Friday, January 31 is the priority deadline for room reservations at our Men’s retreat February 21-23. Don’t miss your chance to join in fellowship and faith with Fr. Tollefson at Eddy’s Lake Mille Lacs Resort!
Through prayerful discernment, the Lord revealed to our Director of Discipleship, Mahalia Marcelin, that he
has new plans for her, and she has decided to resign from her role here at Nativity of Our Lord, effective December 31.
The entire parish and community is invited to three Advent Days of Recollection as we introduce the mission and vision of our pastor, Fr. Rolf Tollefson, in the new liturgical year and Synod Year 2.
It became clear that God’s plan for me was here at Nativity as Parish Secretary and Volunteer Coordinator. I look forward to getting to know everyone better, and to using my talents to give back to the parish that has already given me so much.
I am the new Assistant Director of Discipleship - Faith Formation and am so excited to be a part of Nativity of Our Lord. I look forward to meeting you!
Having surpassed nine months with you now, let me tell you what a great grace it is to be serving Christ with you here at Nativity of Our Lord, and offer an update on the implementation of the One Nativity 2035 strategic planning as it relates to our mission.
While retaining her responsibilities in Faith Formation, the scope of her role will expand to include hospitality as well as further outreach and evangelization-forward opportunities.
It is with joy that I am letting you know that I have been promoted to Director of Discipleship. I count on your prayers as I embark on this new journey with Jesus and you!
We wish to extend the warmest of welcomes to our newest adult members of the Catholic faith and of Nativity of Our Lord! Read their personal statements of their faith journeys through our Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) program. Many thanks to all for your support and prayers for our newest members!
Each year, the Catholic Church in the United States designates this third Sunday in September as Catechetical Sunday. It is a day to celebrate and pray for the Church’s mission to teach the Gospel to all people.
Sunday at the 11:00 AM Mass we celebrate the Rites of Acceptance and Welcoming for our RCIA Catechumens and Candidates, an essential step along the way towards full initiation into our Catholic Church.
RCIA is the process by which persons who were never baptized, or were baptized in another Christian tradition, become members of the Church, a people on pilgrimage to our Heavenly Father.
I am Mahalia Marcelin, a servant of the Lord, serving as your Director of Faith Formation. It is an honor to serve Christ with you at Nativity of Our Lord.
by Katie Schaitberger, Director of Faith Formation
We are blessed to have four individuals prayerfully discerning in our RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) process. Please pray for each of our Elect and Candidates as they make their final steps towards Easter.
On the occasion of his retirement, Communications Director Isaac Huss asked Faith Formation Director Randy Mueller to reflect upon his time at Nativity of Our Lord.