Have you heard the news? This year, there's a Karaoke Band (Saturday night), a Boxing Arcade Game, a new food item, a free shuttle bus, free safety wristbands and temporary tattoos, and new retro Fair merch!
Each summer, food donations wane, while demand doesn’t — and this year is no different. Please consider bringing non-perishable items for delivery to Keystone, our local food shelf partner. Thank you!
While retaining her responsibilities in Faith Formation, the scope of her role will expand to include hospitality as well as further outreach and evangelization-forward opportunities.
Volunteers are needed to lead Word and Communion Services monthly at the Alton and Wellington homes in the area, as well as to deliver Communion to our homebound parishioners weekly.
Deacon Don Tienter will preach all Masses this weekend to share the work of our society, and there will be a second collection at each. Please be generous so we can continue our help to the poor in 2022.
NCF merch is now on sale! Plus information on the Run to the Fair, Talent Show, volunteer opportunities, Fair games, and the Live Auction Dinner (to be held in February)
Julia Waters (class of '13) was inspired by missionaries to boldly live her faith and has heard the Lord inviting her to bring him to more students as a missionary herself.
We are excited to announce that our three-day Nativity County Fair event is coming back in 2021, including outdoor Mass and open fair time on Sunday, 9/19.
They are stepping down after almost three decades of generous dedication to Loaves and Fishes, and we now need two Team Leads to carry on their good work.
On January 22, Nativity parishioner Kate Fischer accepted the St. John Paul II Champions for Life Pro-Life Volunteer Award from Arch. Hebda at the Cathedral during the annual Prayer Service for Life. Plus, an update on revenue from the 2020 Virtual County Fair.
Due to the unpredictability of the pandemic, Nativity has made the incredibly difficult decision to replace the traditional Nativity County Fair with a new virtual event for 2020.